The Acute Care Service gives established patients with immediate needs the opportunity to be seen at their own doctor’s office where their medical records are kept and where they are familiar with the facility and the staff. “It is a great benefit to someone who is not feeling well to be seen where their medical records can quickly be accessed,” said Myron Adams, PA-C. “This helps ensure patient safety. For example, being able to review a patient’s medications before prescribing a new medication to avoid negative drug interactions.”

“Also, when you are not feeling well, it’s a comfort to be in a familiar place with familiar people. And it can be financially better in many cases. An established patient will pay their standard office visit co-pay for the acute care visit and not an urgent care co-pay and fees.”

Adams continues, “Patients will need to call for an appointment, but most of the time can be seen the same day. Also, keep in mind this is not emergency service. Be sure to call 911 in case of an emergency.”

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